  Het Stille Pand (2006-2021)   Het Stille Pand (2006-2022)   Het Stille Pand (2006-2023)   Het Stille Pand (2006-2023)   Het Stille Pand (2006-2021)   Het Stille Pand (2006-2022)   Het Stille Pand (2006-2024)
Roger Nupie crossroads - vegkryss
Six poets from The Netherlands & Belgium in English & Norwegian translation. Joris Iven, Roger Nupie, Marije Kos, Catharina Boer, Frank Decerf & Hannie Rouweler. Translator English: John Irons, except “Small violin composition”: Roger Nupie. Translator Norwegian: Jostein Sæbøe. Demer Press, 2014.
SMALL VIOLIN COMPOSITION In the room tightening the strings of a violin Formerly he made love naming it vivante Gradually he tempered the tempo An abandoned game of scratching and cracking A mirror image in c minor
LITEN KOMPOSISJON FOR FIOLIN I rommet blir strengane stramma på ein fiolin Tidlegare elska han og kalla det vivante Gradvis tempererte han tempoet Ein forlatt leik med skraping og knaking Eit spegelbilde i c-moll
SMALL PIANO COMPOSITION With the metronome on the piano and the swallows round the house Like the ticking of a skewed headache While in the room the melody turns against him Each note splits and splices his head
LITEN KOMPOSISJON FOR PIANO Med metronomen på pianoet og svalene rundt huset Lik tikkinga frå ein ujamn hovudverk Mens melodien vender seg mot han i rommet Kløyver og skøyter kvar tone hovudet hans